Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Pashek Associates Helps Borough Fund Trail Bridge

In 2012, the Marcellus Legacy Fund was created to distribute some of the shale impact fees resulting from Act 13.  The first grant round of the Greenways, Trails and Recreation Programs was established last spring with proposals due on July 31, 2013.  These grants are limited to a maximum of $250,000 and usually require a 50% match by the local community (for communities of less than 5000 people, a 20% match is required).
Pashek Associates helped the Borough of Fox Chapel submit an application for a trail extension along Squaw Run, a steeply sloped, wooded valley running between Fox Chapel Road and Dorseyville Road.  The stream winds down the valley and connects five municipal parks.  The Borough received a grant of $60,000 matched by public works in-kind services and purchases of materials and engineering services.  The Borough hopes to construct a bike/ped bridge adjacent to the road bridge near Hunt Road to allow safe trail access to the Trillium Trail, Riding Meadow Park and eventually the Audubon Society of Western Pennsylvania’s Beechwood Farms nature center.  This new trail extends walking opportunities from the Allegheny River in O’Hara Township into Fox Chapel.